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In the early days of e-commerce, no-one would have thought of buying furniture or bulky homeware and garden items online because the cost of shipping would have been far too high. However, advances in shipping and logistics have reduced these costs to a point where the choice and convenience of buying online now outweighs the cost-savings of buying in-store.
As a result, in 2018, the global digital sales of Furniture and Homeware were Β£158 billion. This number is expected to grow by 69% by 2023 to Β£266 billion, as online sales take a larger share of the overall market. In the same year, online sales in the DIY, Garden & Pets sector were Β£72 billion and expected to grow to Β£110 billion by 2023.
Most of this growth is expected to come from an increase in the number of customers buying these goods online, while in both sectors the global average revenue per user (ARPU) is expected to fall. The predicted fall in ARPU is a result of consumers in lower income countries becoming online shoppers where lower prices and expendable incomes both affect this number.
Our whitepaper, CheckOut4Home&Garden: A guide to selling home and garden products around the world online, takes an in-depth look at the fashion industry and the opportunity available to brands willing to take advantage of both the digitalisation and internationalisation of consumer culture. To discover how to make the most of selling your home and garden products online, download the whitepaper now.