Paid Media Platform News

Paid Media Platform News

Google Shopping ads are now available on Gmail

Google announced that from the 4th March, it would extend Standard Shopping campaigns to Gmail, YouTube and Discover. This includes both Product Shopping and Showcase Shopping ads, when those campaigns are opted into the Display network.

Advertisers have been shifting search budgets from text ads to Shopping ads, so Google’s expansion of Shopping ad inventory is a logical response to brand demand. Shopping ads on Gmail, YouTube and Discover will allow advertisers to target a wider cross-section of consumers at different stages of search intent.


Instagram now lets brands see aggregated brand mentions

Instagram has released a new feature that will show you a list of the Stories that have mentioned your account within the past 24 hours. You’ll find this aggregated list at the top of the Activity tab.

This allows you to keep track of what people are saying about you, share relevant posts yourself and, if you follow the account that tagged you, the Story can be automatically added to your “About You” story reel – making it easier to harness user-generated content for your brand.


Quora Ads shouldn’t be overlooked, especially in the B2B space

It may not be as big as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, but advertisers shouldn’t overlook Quora Ads. With over 300 million monthly users actively asking and answering questions, the platform offers advertisers a great opportunity to get their message in front of a highly relevant audience.

Quora has improved its ad offering since it was introduced in 2017 and now offers similar targeting options to other platforms, including lookalike audiences, website match audiences and list match audiences. The Q&A nature of the site makes it especially compelling for B2B brands (who make up about 60% of the site’s advertisers).


Reddit offers interesting opportunities too 

Reddit made big strides in 2019 to update and expand its ad offering, introducing cost-per-click ads for the first time (previously only cost-per-impression and cost-per-view were available). As one of the top ten most popular websites on the internet, the site is worth considering for advertising – but requires a careful approach due to Reddit users’ sometimes anti-marketing stance. We’re seeing increasing client interest in this platform.

Later in the series, we’ll explore how other regions of the world differ from Europe when it comes to online payment methods. Meanwhile, if you’d like to find out how a local in-market expert can help you with your online payments strategy, please get in touch.

Az AhmedAz Ahmed | Marketing Manager

Oban International is the digital marketing agency specialising in international expansion. Our LIME (Local In-Market Expert) Network provides up to date cultural input and insights from over 80 markets around the world, helping clients realise the best marketing opportunities and avoid the costliest mistakes.   

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