International Marketing Blog

News and insights from across the world of international digital marketing.

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world map managing international teams

Managing an international team: Six tips for success

Discover essential tips for global team management from Oban’s International Resource Manager. Learn how to streamline communications and optimise productivity.

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Beyond borders: The art and science of international SEO for business growth

Learn how to target diverse search behaviours, navigate cultural nuances, and choose the right domain strategy to optimise your global web presence

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Optimising Google Business Profiles for attractions and sightseeing

Fully optimised Google Business Profiles for attractions and sightseeing businesses can enhance visibility, engagement, and local search rankings. Find out more.

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TikTok take-off: Your passport to travel branding success

Explore how TikTok is reshaping travel branding for Gen Z and millennials. Optimise your strategy to engage a diverse audience and fuel wanderlust.

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How an international approach to linguistics supports machine learning

Want to know how to structure international reach so machine learning can spot patterns and opportunities more easily? Oban’s Head of Paid Media explains how.

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Why international reach makes it easier to adopt smart bidding

If your business operates in multiple markets, then you have an advantage when it comes to smart bidding. Oban’s Head of Paid Media explains why.

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Is the West ready for super apps?

Elon Musk wants to turn Twitter into a super app, similar to China’s ubiquitous WeChat. But is the West ready? Find out more.

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A person typing on a laptop showing a ChatGPT window.

ChatGPT will change how we search but is no Google killer

ChatGPT and other forms of AI will affect how search engines operate, potentially leading to greater divergence within the search landscape.

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2023 Predictions: Key paid media trends for next year

Oban’s Head of Paid Media, Jules Bodoulé Sosso, outlines five key trends which will shape the paid media landscape in 2023.

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[Webinar] Core Web Vitals: 2023 & Beyond

In our latest webinar, Dave Cousin, our Head of SEO, explains why Core Web Vitals are still relevant for the future as they continue to evolve.

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black friday on calendar

How prepared are you for this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are key dates for retail, travel, and hospitality. Use our handy checklist to make sure your e-commerce brand is prepared.

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A fast changing world: Should your brand be taking BeReal seriously?

Can social media get real? The BeReal app has tapped into a consumer desire for authentic, unfiltered content. But is there a role for brands on such an app?

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A fast-changing world: The inexorable rise of voice search

Oban’s Head of Organic SEO, Dave Cousin, says we have always evolved our search habits to match the capabilities of search engines – so we’ll increasingly use voice too.

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A fast-changing world: How brands should respond to the cost-of-living crisis

Consumers around the world are grappling with a cost of living crisis. How should businesses adjust their marketing in this inflationary landscape?

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How helpful is Google’s Helpful Content update? We explore Google’s latest update and what it means for your website. Find out more.

A fast-changing world: Google’s Helpful Content update

How helpful is Google’s Helpful Content update? We explore Google’s latest update and what it means for your website. Find out more.

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Useful links and resources for international marketers

From market research to SEO, paid media, content and social media, here’s our list of useful links and resources every international marketer should know about.

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How well does your international website cater to users with a disability?

It’s estimated that 15% of the world’s population has some form of disability – do you know how accessible your website is?

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For international marketers, ensuring the localised versions of your website have relevant links from other local websites is important for SEO visibility. Here’s what you need to know.

How to build international links for SEO

For international marketers, ensuring the localised versions of your website have relevant links from other local websites is important for SEO visibility. Here’s what you need to know.

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Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimensions is a framework for understanding cultural differences. It’s still highly relevant for international marketers. Find out more.

Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimensions: Why it’s relevant to international marketing

Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimensions is a framework for understanding cultural differences. It’s still highly relevant for international marketers. Find out more.

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6 key principles for international B2B lead generation

6 key principles for international B2B lead generation

Post-Covid, how do B2Bs maximise international lead generation using digital marketing? Here are six key principles to underpin B2B marketing success and drive leads.

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What Google’s MUM update means for international SEO

What Google’s MUM update means for international SEO

Google’s MUM update aims to overcome language and format barriers to deliver an improved search experience. We explain what it means for multilingual websites.

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