International Marketing Blog

News and insights from across the world of international digital marketing.

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men bowing and shaking hands

High context and low context cultures: What this means for marketers

High context versus low context is one framework for understanding cultural difference. Read our tips for international marketers.

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hand on clock

How do different cultures perceive time?

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, right? Well actually, no – perceptions of time vary considerably by culture.

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smiling people on world map

Why local in-market expertise is the key to international marketing success

If your business goal is international growth, you need local in-market expertise to guide your market strategy. Find out more about the LIME network.

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Your goal is international growth. Which type of digital agency is right for you?

If you’re looking to expand your business internationally, choosing the right agency is crucial. But should you go with a centralised agency or local agencies in each market?

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A woman on a South Korean subway train

3 things to know about South Korea

Find out more about Asia’s 4th largest economy – including its efforts to increase the birth rate, its love of super apps, and the rise of the cherry-sumer.

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How to localise your buying personas for different markets

Many brands use the same buying personas across markets – but this is often a mistake. Learn more about how to localise audience personas..

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An image showing a person signing a document with world flags underneath

CPTPP: What you need to know about the UK’s latest trade deal

Britain is joining the CPTPP. What does this mean for international trade and what do you need to know?

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An image showing illustrations of Harry and Meghan with a globe in the middle

Spare us: Oban’s LIMEs give their verdict on Harry and Meghan (Part 2)

In the second part of our Harry and Meghan blog series, our Local In-Markets Experts from around the world share their perspectives on the royal drama.

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Spare us: Oban’s LIMEs give their verdict on Harry and Meghan (Part 1)

Spare us: Oban’s LIMEs give their verdict on Harry and Meghan (Part 1)

Ahead of King Charles’s coronation, we spoke to our LIMEs around the world to find out whether Harry and Meghan have damaged Brand Britain.

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This Easter, celebrate like a Norwegian

This Easter, celebrate like a Norwegian

In Norway, it’s an Easter tradition to read crime fiction or watch crime dramas. Learn more about the origins of this unusual tradition.

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family walking

China’s demographics threaten its economic potential

Some believe that China will become the world’s leading economy – but demography may mean a different destiny. Find out more.

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An image of an elderly Japanese woman drinking a cup of tea

The world’s oldest countries – and what they mean for marketers

According to the UN, the number of over-65s is forecast to double by 2050. Some countries have older populations than others – what does this mean for international marketers?

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An image showing the flags of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Whatever happened to the BRIC economies?

Two decades ago, the acronym ‘BRIC’ was coined to refer to the rise of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Have they fulfilled the economic growth that was predicted?

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A group of diverse women smiling and laughing, standing in front of planet Earth with a green and blue filter

International Women’s Day 2023: How Canada and European countries embrace equity

The second part of our two-part IWD blog series looks at the state of gender equality in Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Lithuania.

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A group of diverse women standing in front of planet Earth with a pink and blue filter

International Women’s Day 2023: How Nordic countries embrace equity

The Nordic countries have a fantastic record on gender equality. This International Women’s Day, we spoke to our Nordic LIMEs to find out why.

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A smiling woman looking at her phone.

3 things to know about Poland

Find out more about Europe’s 6th biggest economy – including its rapid economic growth, the rise of ‘dark stores’, and its reluctance to join the Euro.

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woman hugging a man with a flower in her hand

All you need is love: Valentine’s traditions around the world

Love is in the air! Find out how Valentine’s Day consumer behaviour has evolved in recent years, and how different cultures celebrate Valentine’s Day.

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woman smiling holding an object

Which countries are closest to a cashless society?

Various countries around the world are striving to become cashless. Find out which countries are closest to achieving it.

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A woman taking a selfie with a baby kangaroo

3 things to know about Australia

To mark this year’s Australia Day, we highlight three things about Australia digital marketers need to know.

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3 things to know about Nigeria

Find out more about Africa’s largest economy – including its move towards a cashless society and its ban on foreign talent in advertising.

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person in day of the dead costumewoman smiling

Our free Global Marketing Calendar for 2023 is here

The 2023 edition of our Global Marketing Calendar has landed. View the interactive version on our website now or download your free PDF copy.

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