International Marketing Blog

News and insights from across the world of international digital marketing.

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woman with map in city

Optimising Google Business Profiles for attractions and sightseeing

Fully optimised Google Business Profiles for attractions and sightseeing businesses can enhance visibility, engagement, and local search rankings. Find out more.

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TikTok take-off: Your passport to travel branding success

Explore how TikTok is reshaping travel branding for Gen Z and millennials. Optimise your strategy to engage a diverse audience and fuel wanderlust.

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japanese woman offering card

Mastering Japanese business culture: The art of punctuality and precision

Explore the intricacies of Japanese business culture, where punctuality and precision are paramount. Find out what our Local In-Market Expert told us.

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man with child in park

Sustainability around the world: Spotlight on China

How is sustainability viewed around the world? We spoke to our LIMEs to find out. Part 3 of our blog series focuses on China – find out more.

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The BRICS are expanding – here’s what you need to know

Explore the BRICS expansion and its global impact. Learn how six new members are reshaping international dynamics within the BRICS alliance.

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How an international approach to linguistics supports machine learning

Want to know how to structure international reach so machine learning can spot patterns and opportunities more easily? Oban’s Head of Paid Media explains how.

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isle of man flag

3 things to know about the Isle of Man

A burgeoning finance sector, the oldest continuous parliament in the world, and home to the biggest road racing festival – we spoke to our LIME about the Isle of Man.

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Sustainability around the world: Spotlight on Nigeria

How is sustainability viewed in Nigeria? We spoke to our LIME in Abuja to explore evolving attitudes towards sustainability in Nigeria.

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Why international reach makes it easier to adopt smart bidding

If your business operates in multiple markets, then you have an advantage when it comes to smart bidding. Oban’s Head of Paid Media explains why.

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woman looking at phone apps

Is the West ready for super apps?

Elon Musk wants to turn Twitter into a super app, similar to China’s ubiquitous WeChat. But is the West ready? Find out more.

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After the pandemic: How Big Bus Tours bounced back bigger than before

Read the key lessons from Oban’s recent webinar – and find out how a leading sightseeing brand emerged from the pandemic stronger than ever.

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12 tips on getting the most out of your digital marketing agency

Read Oban’s guide to getting the most out of your digital marketing agency – including insider tips and costly mistakes to avoid.

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two men looking at laptop with wind turbines

Sustainability around the world: Spotlight on India

How is sustainability viewed around the world? We spoke to our LIMEs to find out. Part 1 of our new blog series focuses on India – find out more.

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men bowing and shaking hands

High context and low context cultures: What this means for marketers

High context versus low context is one framework for understanding cultural difference. Read our tips for international marketers.

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How do different cultures perceive time?

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, right? Well actually, no – perceptions of time vary considerably by culture.

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Why local in-market expertise is the key to international marketing success

If your business goal is international growth, you need local in-market expertise to guide your market strategy. Find out more about the LIME network.

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Your goal is international growth. Which type of digital agency is right for you?

If you’re looking to expand your business internationally, choosing the right agency is crucial. But should you go with a centralised agency or local agencies in each market?

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A woman on a South Korean subway train

3 things to know about South Korea

Find out more about Asia’s 4th largest economy – including its efforts to increase the birth rate, its love of super apps, and the rise of the cherry-sumer.

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How to localise your buying personas for different markets

Many brands use the same buying personas across markets – but this is often a mistake. Learn more about how to localise audience personas..

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CPTPP: What you need to know about the UK’s latest trade deal

Britain is joining the CPTPP. What does this mean for international trade and what do you need to know?

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An image showing illustrations of Harry and Meghan with a globe in the middle

Spare us: Oban’s LIMEs give their verdict on Harry and Meghan (Part 2)

In the second part of our Harry and Meghan blog series, our Local In-Markets Experts from around the world share their perspectives on the royal drama.

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