International Marketing Blog

News and insights from across the world of international digital marketing.

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2023 Predictions: Key paid media trends for next year

Oban’s Head of Paid Media, Jules Bodoulé Sosso, outlines five key trends which will shape the paid media landscape in 2023.

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How do naming customs vary around the world?

Names don’t follow the same format in every country. This has implications for marketing personalisation and online data capture. Find out more.

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What is the India and UK free trade deal all about?

The UK and India are hoping to agree a free trade deal. We take a look at what the deal will cover and what sectors will benefit.

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[Webinar] Core Web Vitals: 2023 & Beyond

In our latest webinar, Dave Cousin, our Head of SEO, explains why Core Web Vitals are still relevant for the future as they continue to evolve.

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How prepared are you for this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are key dates for retail, travel, and hospitality. Use our handy checklist to make sure your e-commerce brand is prepared.

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How to support mental health at work: 7 tips for businesses

October 10, 2022 Uncategorised

Oban’s HR Director, James Smith, shares his top tips for helping staff feel emotionally supported in the workplace.

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Liz Truss became UK Prime Minister on the 6th September. Oban’s CEO, Sarah Jennings, believes marketers can learn four key lessons from her first month in office.

What marketers can learn from Liz Truss’s first month as Prime Minister

Liz Truss became UK Prime Minister on the 6th September. Oban’s CEO, Sarah Jennings, believes marketers can learn four key lessons from her first month in office.

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A fast changing world: Should your brand be taking BeReal seriously?

Can social media get real? The BeReal app has tapped into a consumer desire for authentic, unfiltered content. But is there a role for brands on such an app?

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A fast-changing world: The inexorable rise of voice search

Oban’s Head of Organic SEO, Dave Cousin, says we have always evolved our search habits to match the capabilities of search engines – so we’ll increasingly use voice too.

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A fast-changing world: How brands should respond to the cost-of-living crisis

Consumers around the world are grappling with a cost of living crisis. How should businesses adjust their marketing in this inflationary landscape?

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How helpful is Google’s Helpful Content update? We explore Google’s latest update and what it means for your website. Find out more.

A fast-changing world: Google’s Helpful Content update

How helpful is Google’s Helpful Content update? We explore Google’s latest update and what it means for your website. Find out more.

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A fast-changing world: China’s crackdown on ‘sissy’ men

A fast-changing world: China’s crackdown on ‘sissy’ men

In the West, gender identities are becoming more fluid. In China, the government is keen to entrench traditional gender roles for political and economic reasons.

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A fast-changing world: How inclusive beauty is re-shaping the industry

A fast-changing world: How inclusive beauty is re-shaping the industry

Since Rihanna launched Fenty in 2017, inclusive beauty has been on the rise. Find out how the industry is catering to traditionally under-served audiences.

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A fast-changing world: The massive challenges facing international tourism

The pandemic had a devastating effect on tourism. Now there are further pressures – including inflation, staff shortages and a growing pressure to be sustainable.

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A fast-changing world: How B2B marketers can embrace sustainability

Sustainability is a hot topic for B2Bs. But what does it really mean in practice and how can you communicate your green credentials to target audiences around the world?

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10 countries where it’s great to be a digital nomad

With remote working set to stay, countries are competing to attract talent by offering digital nomad visas. We look at some of the most popular destinations for remote workers.

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Are companies that support Pride pink-washing?

Increasingly, consumers see through Pride-themed campaigns that pink-wash the LGBTQ+ movement and are asking companies to put their money where their mouth is.

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Useful links and resources for international marketers

From market research to SEO, paid media, content and social media, here’s our list of useful links and resources every international marketer should know about.

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How well does your international website cater to users with a disability?

It’s estimated that 15% of the world’s population has some form of disability – do you know how accessible your website is?

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How to prepare now for Google’s Universal Analytics sunset

Google is sunsetting Universal Analytics which means there’s a pressing need for businesses to prepare now. Find out how to future-proof your business data.

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What is a B2B marketplace – and should you be selling on one?

Online B2B marketplaces are flourishing around the world – a process accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. But what are they, how do they work, and should you be on one?

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